Lambert-Sigisbert Adam
I heavily favored Greek sculpting as a dramatic and highly skilled form of artwork. The ability to form a subject matter in such fine detail as, Nike an ancient Greek sculpture or the well know Disc thrower takes tremendous skill. Of the many Greek sculptors of our past time, I favored the work of Lambert-Sigisbert Adam, known as “the elder”. Lambert was a French sculptor who was involved with the movement of Roman Baroque style to the French Rococo. At the age of thirty-seven, Adam, was elected to the Academy (an academy that officiated the usages of vocabulary and grammar of the French language). Lambert also exhibited a few pieces in the Paris salon such as Neptune and Amphitrite completed in 1737.

Going from the headpiece of Neptune I believe there are a few pieces that made Lambert place himself with the worlds best at the time. His sculpture of Poseidon Calming the Waves” 1757, shows a man at Poseidon’s feet as he steps over him with his trident. This sculpture believed to be a form of inspiration at the time making this artwork notable. Again, Lambert captures an action scene in which this Greek god is shown as having an astonishing amount of power and will. His use of line quality is yet again depicted here.
In conclusion, the quality of Lamberts sculptures entail a great deal of detail and quality during this time period the display of masculinity supremacy was a dominate feature in art work seen at that time.
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