Francisco Goya
Oil paintings have always been compelling to me. the expression of an artists thoughts and the way they perceive life
in that particular moment. Francisco Goya did just that being involved in the Romantic art movement in the 18th century.
The Romantic style is comprised of emotional expression the technique of the brush stroke also emphasizes expression.
Francisco Goya was a spanish painter and is generally known for his "Gothic" style paintings.
The painting, "Saturn Devouring his Sons" painted between 1819-1823 of the Greek myth of Titan Cronus. The idea
that evoked Saturn to devour his children in fear that they would over throw him. The realism involved in this picture for its 

time was intense. The horror in the eyes of Saturn for his depicted actions, resembles that of the viewers perception.
Another painting that was attractive by Goya was, "Courtyard with Lunatics" this painting has elements of negative
shapes. The element that makes this painting captivating are the awkward positions these subject matter are undergoing. The erie stares give the viewer a state of uneasiness

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